If you woke up tomorrow morning and you were told it would be your last day, what would you do?
I know that thousands of people pose that question constantly, and I am sure you’ve thought about it. But when people respond out loud to this they still know that it’s just a fantasy question and not a reality. So their response will still be directed towards their own self motivation.
Common responses are:
· I’d go see my best friend.
· I’d call my parents.
· I’d spend every second with my kids.
· I’d rush out and do that one risky thing I’ve never done before.
Instead of telling me what you would do, think to yourself and find out what you would really do if it was real. Don’t worry about perceptions or what others would think because it will just be you alone in your head. We’re playing a game today, and there is a point in the end.
What would you do?
I’m the same way. If I were to write what I would do it would be stuff I would like to do, but also stuff that would make people remember me. It’s public opinion, right? But in my mind I know exactly what I would do. I just don’t share it.
So why is that?
It’s the ultimate deadline. It would be final and immovable. You wouldn’t have time to book a flight or drive across the country. It’s a question about you. People say that they believe in this or don’t believe in that. But if it was your last day I believe all your goals would change.
Are you imagining it in your head?
Let’s take it one step farther. Everyone joins hands as we’re walking . . . walking.
Suppose you are told that today is your last day. Yet you are confined in some way. You have no access to phones, vehicles, or even the outdoors. You are completely confined and alone. Now what do you do?
No one will ever know what you do on this one last day. No one will know what you are thinking while you do it. You can’t reach out to say good bye to anyone. Are you thinking about it?
Solitude and confinement are your final thoughts. But you are granted a gift. Since this is a fantasy, let’s say that your gift is that you can have a 1 hour chat with anyone you know or have known. Whether this person is living or dead, as long as it is someone that you know then you can have one hour with them. You can pick THE ONE person that you want most in life to speak with one last time.
Who would you pick and what would you say?
Or would you just listen?
Have you thought of someone?
Now, let’s go another step. Let’s say that in exchange for this gift of speaking with anyone for one hour, you would have to give up two hours of your time. Would you still accept the gift? Is the person you picked to spend an hour with on your final day, which no one will know about, worth losing two hours of your life?
What if it cost you three hours?
Would you be willing to trade time, time that is now measurable, time that is now your most valuable asset, for a chance to see and speak with one person one last time?
What would you do?
So, let’s take one final step. I will assume that you would still pick someone to be with for one hour, even if it costs you three hours of your remaining life. But they will leave before your final second. Assume one final deal is made. Assume that you are offered to have this one person (that you picked to be with you on your last day for one hour) to be with you for your last second.
So the hour you get to spend with them will include them being there with you in your last moments. You will not leave this world alone. You will have someone there to hold you, comfort you, tend to you and cry for you. But as usual there is a cost.
You have already given up three hours of your life to have them there for an hour. Would you agree to three more hours of the worst torture you can imagine just having them holding you in your last moment? This one person, the person you choose over everyone else you have ever known can be with you in your final moment.
Would it be worth the pain and suffering?
Well folks, this is the best way that I can think of to define LOVE. I am 100% convinced that everyone would give up time in their lives to spend time with someone. I am certain that when it is love, then there would be no question as to how much suffering you would endure just to have them holding you in the end.
“If two people truly love each other, but just can’t seem to get it together; when is it time to say enough is enough?”
A line I heard in a movie once. My immediate response was “Never”. I asked 5 more people and each response was the same. Love is love, and there is no limits.
Love is about what you are willing to give up for someone else. It has nothing to do with looks, sex, personality, or any of that. It has to do with you and what you feel inside. It has to do with what makes you feel safe, secure, comfortable, and cared about.
And please note that it really has nothing to do with what this other person feels. I never said it had to be someone that you KNEW would want to be there. Instead I said to pick someone that you wanted to be there. I asked you who you would pick, not who you think would want to be picked.
You can love someone who does not feel that way about you. Yes it is possible. Love is not a two Way Street even though everyone seems to think so. This is why people are so afraid to use the word “love” when referring to the person they would pick.
Again, it’s public perception.
You have been programmed to believe that saying, “I LOVE YOU” is a bad thing. You are warned and frightened for you entire life that if the person doesn’t love you then you will be embarrassed or ridiculed. So you keep your feelings inside and develop a persona that protects you from the evils of ridicule and pain. That is just not right, and I can prove it.
Let’s say that you are notified (Hey it’s a fantasy so I have no idea how you would know) that you are the person that I have asked to be with me in the last moments of my life. You are told that I have given up three hours of my life for you to be there, and I have agreed to three more hours of horrible pain just to have you there when it’s time. You are the one I have chosen.
Out of everyone I know, or have met, or have just seen in my life; you are the one I chose. It would seem to be obvious to you that I love you and want you with me one last time. Also, I would assume it is obvious that you don’t feel the same way for me. All of this is obvious.
Would you say no?
After this is over, would you call your friends and have a good laugh?
Would you feel bad about being the one I chose?
I am not you, but I would guess that given this scenario EVERYONE would give a resounding “NO” answer to the three questions above. People don’t mind that someone loves them. It is the highest honor someone can give. Even if I was not the person that you would have chosen if the table were turned, you would still be there . . . because you are loved. And EVERYONE wants to be loved.
So, if this is true then why is there this awkward stigma surrounding the concept of love?
Maybe it’s due to the avoidance of pain. Yes, love comes with a few side effects. One of these can be pain. You can profess your love, and the person you profess to love may not love you back.
Are you any worse off?
Or maybe they profess their love for you. It’s magical! You love someone that in return loves you. But then days, or weeks, or even years later something happens and they leave. They probably still love you, and you may know this. But they leave you.
Are you any worse off than you were before?
You got time with them. And even right now that time is measurable and your most valuable asset. People, we are all on a time clock and it is ticking away right now. Wasn’t a day, or a week, or a year of being loved worth it? Isn’t that feeling of being held by that one person worth any price at the moment they are holding you?
So why the stigma?
Love exists. Love is real. Each of you is passionately loved by someone right now. Wouldn’t you want to know who? Each of you may love someone right now. Shouldn’t they know too?
Why wait until your final moments to realize all of this?
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