My dad once told me that in your darkest hour you will find your true friends. He said at the darkest moment of that darkest hour to just glance to your side. Your true friends will be standing there beside you ready to face whatever happens with you. You won’t have to ask them, they will just know.
Those that are too busy to be there aren’t your true friends.
Banana-rama has always been there. I didn’t even have to look. I don’t have to ask her anything either, we just know it.
LL hides a lot, but she showed up last night saying she just felt something was wrong. I asked her if she had my back, no matter what. She replied, “ALLWAYS”. We may not always get along perfectly, but I know that in a pinch she will be here; no questions asked.
Lovely Girl Eve came back a few weeks ago, and she hasn’t left my side since. I asked her the same question. She reminded me of the time her ex-husband was beating her. He knocked her to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw me. He never touched her again. Then she said even if that hadn’t happened, without a doubt, she would have my back no matter what.
And last night even my great friend Kat showed up. FYI, she is doing fine. I asked her the same question. She said that while she was gone she never once worried about me. She said she thought about me daily, but knew she wouldn’t have to worry. She said I have always taken care of myself after the others were ok. Then she said, “Fuck yes, I’ll fight to the death with you”.
These are the ones that were standing next to me when I looked to my side.
I can handle anything alone; but every once in a while it is nice to know that at some point in a miserable life you did something good enough to warrant this type of unconditional friendship.
These are my friends. I am blessed. I will be there for each of you.
The past few days have been the most disappointing days that I can remember. It’s nothing that will change my world, but something that shows I can be “duped”. When someone I trust demands my trust, I give it. I give them all the benefit of my doubts, because I trust them. But in order to live life I do believe you have to try, and that means you will occasionally get bit. You have to give trust, you have to show emotions, you have to take chances, and sometimes people use you. Lesson learned. I’ll never be bit twice.
Have a great week. I’m working on my story still. But I will email it to my friends only.
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