It is the Easter weekend, and I need to question a few things. I am spiritual, but not in the traditional manner. I believe in a Supreme Being, I believe in chatting with this Supreme Being on a regular basis, and I definitely believe in signs. I am the only Non-Preacher/Priest I have ever met that has taken the time to read the ENTIRE bible, cover to cover, twice. I’m not a religious genius, but I do have my interpretation of all the events noted in the bible.
That being said, I believe that there are two religious holidays. One is Easter and one is Christmas. Christmas is to celebrate the birth date of our savior. Easter is to celebrate his resurrection. The way I see it, one holiday is a birthday party and the other holiday is a celebration of a major event that affects all of us. So why are the celebrations so different?
Christmas has a season, the Christmas season. This lasts for about a month from Thanksgiving until New Years Day. People decorate everything, people sing Christmas carols, people buy lots of gifts, people throw parties, businesses shut down and everyone is in a “nicer” mood. Christmas is a big darn deal to everyone. People even have Christmas sex!
Easter has about a week, yet very few people know that. To most people Easter is simply the one Sunday each year that they feel obligated to drag their ass to church. Personally I don’t attend a church. I did for many years and I have my reasons for no longer attending. Anyway, there are very few decorations, no Easter songs, very few gifts, no parties and most people don’t get a day off.
Christmas has Santa Claus. Easter has the Easter Bunny. No offense to “bunny” fans but it appears that Easter is getting the short end of the character stick. Christmas has a giant meal with all your family including turkey, dressing and sweet potatoes. Easter has hot dogs with the neighbors?
It’s just my opinion, but to me it makes sense that we celebrate the resurrection of our savior, the forgiveness of our sins, and all the miracles associated with Easter with a much greater vigor than the simple birth of our savior. I mean one event is a birth, and let’s be honest here, at birth our savior hadn’t done a whole lot. Ok, we are told that upon his birth there is a lot of potential good, which is eventually received. But as of the date of his birth, nothing had happened.
Conversely, upon his resurrection he had accomplished many feats and miracles. This was the end of the game, just after the winning drive. This is what moments are made of in our society. I mean seriously, we all remember John Elway’s “THE DRIVE” where he wins the big game in the final seconds with a miraculous effort. But who remember John Elway’s birthday?
All this makes me wonder why Easter gets so slighted. My guess is that it occurs in the spring. We are a very busy population today. And I am like you, give me a sunny day by the pool with cold beer in the refrigerator and I tend to forget about the forgiveness of my sins (usually while I am committing new sins). Yet Christmas is in the dead of winter. What the heck else would you be doing between Thanksgiving and New Years if not for Christmas. So my guess is that Christmas wins the popular vote simply because there is nothing else to do.
Anyway, all this leads to my advice to you. Take a moment Sunday to chat with whomever you believe to be your Supreme Being. Get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness, give thanks for who you are today, and ask for what you need. It’s ok to ask for stuff, trust me.
As for me, I will pray for all of you. I will ask forgiveness for all the deeds I have done in my life with which I struggle. I will give thanks for being who I am today and for having you in my life. And I will ask that while one of you SPECIAL ladies is on your knees, that I be miraculously transported right in front of you!
Like I said . . . you can ask for anything.
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