I have left you a couple of my old writings this week. I seriously can’t tell you how happy I am to have found these writings. I am literally on cloud nine today. I guess at times in life everyone gets lost. I know that I have been lost. These words have kind of reminded me of the good things life can bring, because they were written during some good times in my life.
I will share more, but over time. I need to read through them myself as well. And some of these have NEVER been shared, so I have this concern about sharing them now. I will definitely keep you informed.
So, no one wanted the answer to my riddle. Perhaps you are so smart you all figured it out on your own. Well, good for you. But if you couldn’t figure it out and want the answer, let me know. Just remember, it will be a trade.
Geez, today all I have is questions. Do you ever have weeks like that? No matter what it is, it’s not clear. Yet in spite of this, I still have a topic for today.
How did makeup, lip gloss, eyeliner, and the rest of that crap ever get a start?
Women use a bunch of stuff when they want to go out in public. Men do not. Well, real men do not. I’ve heard that some men use different crap. But I don’t count those strange birds. As for me, I shower (NEVER take a bath, it’s like soaking in your own grime), I wash my hair with soap, I shave without shaving cream, use antiperspirant / deodorant, a touch of cologne and I’m good to go. I don’t blow dry my hair or touch up anything.
I realize that the current standard is for women to put on a ton of stuff to “make them look nice”. But I can’t fathom how this process started. I mean at one point in history I figure that no one wore any type of makeup (I’ll use that word to describe all the things women currently use). So one day, someone got the bright idea to rub some type of muck on their face and they liked it?
I bet some horny guy happened to walk by at that precise moment and in an attempt to get laid he mentioned how nice she looked in the muck. But ladies, more than likely it was just a line.
I guess that is how it began. Sure, I probably could do some research but I have far more important challenges on my plate. But it had to be this specific event, or something very much like this, that occurred at some point in history. What makes it more odd to me is that someone saw this person wearing muck on their face and thought, “Hmmm, I should do that too”. And thus it began.
The next thing we know is that all females had muck on their face.
When you look at it that way, I hope we can agree that it sounds sort of strange. Seriously, get past the typical norms and think about it. It’s a strange thing to do. And why did women adopt this odd practice? Now don’t bite my head off, but on our planet and in most species, the male is far more colorful and beautiful. So we decided that in the human species we wanted to try to make the women the more beautiful of the sexes.
Don’t get me wrong. I love to see a woman all made up. And I am definitely NOT saying that the male sex of the human species is more beautiful than the female sex. I just wonder if in the feline species, if the brain was more advanced, would the female lioness want to wear a head-dress or something?
I definitely have not discussed this with other males. So anything I come up with is simply my own odd and illogical thoughts. But in my own personal opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman wearing a tank top and jeans, hair drip dried, and zero makeup or perfume. Women are beautiful just like they are, although I do approve shaving miscellaneous body parts. I have a list if anyone is interested.
So I wonder who told YOU that you had to wear makeup?
And the volume of things that women do today to “cover themselves up” is unconscionable. As I think about it I don’t think I have ever seen any of you without your makeup. If you chose to go out on day without makeup, you could probably walk right by me and I wouldn’t know it was you. I just don’t get it ladies. What if the males all wore ski masks EVERY time we went out. Would you consider that unfair?
You would met a new guy and really have no idea what he looks like without his ski mask. You would have to base you decision to interact with him on his personality. OK, you would probably notice the body as well, but the face is sort of important, right?
Well, that is what you are doing to us. And isn’t it a pain in your ass to go through this multiple times a day? Wouldn’t you love to hop out of bed in the morning and just go? I’m sure you would. So if you want to do it, and the males want you to do it, why aren’t you doing it?
My BIGGEST beef is with lipstick. I really love the feel of a bare lip. I don’t want to taste cherry lip gloss, I want to taste YOU! Plus you get that darn lip gloss all over everything. Should I mention that it permanently stains boxer shorts?
[I guess that is the perfect example for the phrase “Getting there is MORE than half of the fun!]
OK, I know that none of you are going to change. And I am not silly enough to ask you to change just when you are around me. But I will ask a favor of you. If you want to make out with me, go easy on the lip stick. Deal?
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