Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Journal 172

The WOW effect!

What is that you ask? You know when you see someone, either for the first time or not, and something inside of you goes “WOW”?

That is the WOW effect.

It’s when someone is so stunning, sharp, sexy or something else where you can’t resist saying (or just thinking if you are shy) WOW! For me it’s that feeling where you miss a breath, your heart skips a beat, and if you have to speak you need to seriously re-compose yourself first.

The frightening WOW effect!

That is what I have found that I need. As all of you that regularly read along know, I am searching for someone. You remember; the walk on the beach at moonlight, the candle lit dinner with a good port wine, the drive down the freeway with your hair blowing in the wind and holding hands with someone special, Sunday morning sex followed by Sunday afternoon sex, etc. Well now I know how to tell if I found that person.

I have to blurt out WOW!

Gosh that sounds simple. You see someone, you go WOW, and live happily ever after. But unfortunately it’s not that simple (Even for someone as INCREDIBLE a catch as me). You see when you blurt out WOW; the other person probably needs to blurt out WOW also. That makes it a bit more complicated.

I’m not a big believer of love at first sight. I do believe in LUST at first sight, but love needs to simmer for a while. What I am trying to figure out today is can the WOW effect simmer for a while and finally raise its glorious head. Or does it have to be the first reaction? Crap, I really don’t know. I just figured this out over the past weekend.

I’ve experienced this WOW effect about three times in my life, even though I hadn’t figured out what it was yet. Once I pissed it away because of who I was at the time. Another time I pissed it away because I couldn’t imagine the person would ever say WOW about me, even though she was telling everyone else WOW about me. The third time I pissed it away because the person isn’t the type to ever say WOW, or at least not that I had ever seen.

I couldn’t tell you where the first two “WOW’s “are today. They are long gone. The third “WOW” I can still vaguely see on the horizon. But I think she’s peddling VERY fast in the opposite direction. And it’s one of those things where I believe if I peddle after her, she might peddle faster.

A fading WOW!

I think you can like someone, and even like them so much that you attempt a relationship. But for me, now that I know, if there is no WOW then I know it won’t work. I’m addicted to the WOW effect. I have to have it. I need it to survive. So if I settle for something less, then I will still be searching. This means I would have to lie to the person I like, the one who isn’t the WOW. And that is definitely not fair to that person. They probably deserve a WOW.

That damn WOW effect.

So, now I know. All I have to do now is figure out how to make someone go WOW.

I’ve got no freakin’ clue.


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