Monday, September 10, 2012

My Journal #286 - Opinion?

By now I guess you’ve read how TOTALLY, UNFORGIVEABLY, AND VIOLENTLY ANGRY I became Sunday evening due to someone showing a total lack of respect and / or caring. Yup, I still am angry too. But at least now I can see more than blood red before my eyes, and I can think a bit more clearly.
So, how was your weekend?
Mine was a cluster. But who gives a shit right?
SUMMARY – Bruised ribs, pinched nerve in neck, broken tooth, extreme discomfort, sick dogs, and an intentional “Pin Prick” to top off everything!
Ok, when is it not ok to ask for some shit back?
I’m not talking about flowers or candy here. I mean if you give someone something of yours that is personal in nature and a very big part of your life; and you gave it to them when you were completely wrong about them; can you ask for it back? Someone else’s words and actions lead another person to believe something that isn’t true. So if the gift was given under false pretenses then isn’t there a legal argument that no contract (gifting) existed?
Whether it’s acceptable or not, the second question would be is it worth your while to actually have that conversation with someone else. I assume that would depend on the new relationship between the two people. But if that relationship is non-existent then asking for it may be perceived as being petty.
And the biggest kicker is that I want it back by tomorrow. Argh!
A little help here ladies?

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