[I told someone I would keep the Valentine story clean. Sorry, when I give my word I stick to it. So I won’t finish it here. You can just assume “AND THEY LIVED HAPPILLY EVER AFTER” or you can email me at Illogical69@live.com and I will send you the real ending to your Valentine’s story.]
Ok, time for the Valentine’s edition of the Friday Shout outs.
Banana-rama – BIG KISS! You are definitely the best and I can’t wait for the Pork Chops and High Heels.
Lovely Girl – BIG LICK (J)! You don’t need to worry about me. Just send me more topless pictures and I’ll be fine.
LL – BIG HUG you HMPOA (I’ll leave that to the imagination) I love having you nearby again!
Now, on to today’s lesson.
An employee’s last day was yesterday. I had offered an “Exit Interview” and I was taken up on my offer. That interview prompted today’s journal.
Wouldn’t it be GREAT if life was like a job?
When you want someone in our life to fill a void, you could take out an advertisement. It could be for anything at all; a friend, a romantic partner, a sex partner, or anything. People would respond to this advertisement and you would select certain responses that you fancy to come by for an interview.
I would suggest never sending pictures, just like in business. I would rather hear someone speak than see a picture. I know that everyone uses Facebook and MySpace to share pictures, and I don’t use either. But if I did I wouldn’t look at other people’s pictures. I would rather get to know them from communicating with them first; but that’s just me.
You would interview the prospective candidates and pick the one that you believe is most suited to the role you require. Once you select, and if they accept, then you have a relationship starting. You could give them a policy and procedure book at that moment. By doing this, they now know the rules of being in a relationship with you.
You all know my Policy and Procedures already.
1. Like me.
2. Make time for me.
3. Be completely honest with me.
I don’t know, but to me my personal rules seem very simple. Yet you would be amazed how many people can’t seem to follow any of these and still want to be in a relationship with me. But I digress.
And yes, you could pick the wrong person occasionally. It happens. But you would learn from your selection mistakes and make better choices the next time. You could learn how to better spot someone that is “fluffing” or the more common word . . . deceiving. Even I have been fooled into believing some people. But I learn from those people too. I learn when NOT to believe.
During the relationship you could have scheduled performance reviews as a requirement to the original agreement. This is where the two of you make time to sit down together and discuss everything that has happened, good or bad. You could also discuss new goals or objectives and give constructive criticism. Then both people would know exactly what it takes to move the relationship forward in a positive fashion.
THEN (and to me this is the most important advantage), when or if the relationship dissolves you could have an exit interview.
I consider this the most important part of this fantasy about relationships, and YES IT IS ONLY A FANTASY. I’ve seen how easy it is to begin a relationship. To me it is easy because when we first meet someone we are sort of excited, like when we get that new job. In the beginning of every relationship there is a lot of communication. We tell the other person everything, we call and send messages constantly, it all pours out like a broken faucet. I think that is why relationships are so easy to start.
Yet in most cases the relationship dissolves. I believe that this is 100% due to a complete breakdown in the communication that you once shared. One or both people quit communicating (I’m so busy, I’ve been out of town, I needed to be with my family, etc) And in all the instances I have had, I really had no idea what I may have done wrong, what changed, or why the communication ceased.
So a required exit interview would be to uncover all this information. The person could tell you what you may have done wrong, and give you a chance to explain, clarify or rectify. You could tell them what you felt went wrong and give them a chance to explain, clarify or rectify also. Now, in all honesty, I believe that if this exit interview occurs then the rate of relationships dissolving would be reduced drastically. I mean if you start a relationship with someone then you obviously saw something in them that interested you. I doubt that initial “main thing” really went away. It probably just got lost.
So by having the exit interview you can accomplish two major goals. First, you would have to re-establish communication. I would say that 9 times out of 10 this simple process would salvage a relationship destined for the trash heap. Second, you could learn what if anything you are doing wrong. You could hear how you gave a bad impression or led someone to believe something. I believe that in most cases both people would remember why they began the relationship in the first place. And maybe they could then see that whatever it was that caused them to have this exit interview was not NEARLY as important as the person sitting across from them at that precise moment.
Alas, it’s just a fantasy though. In reality we just have a big fight and never speak again or we just slowly drift apart. That is the unfortunate reality. It’s happened to me a thousand times, and it’s happening to me today. Geez, what I would give to have an exit interview process today.
Oh well, like I said IT IS JUST A FANTASY.
Ok, so this weekend is the infamous Valentine’s weekend. Everyone “snuggles up” with someone they love. Gifts are exchanged, kisses are shared, and romance abounds. I love holidays where the main goal is to get someone naked.
So do me a favor. Each of you right now are seeing in your mind a certain someone that YOU would like to snuggle with for Valentine’s Eve. It could be someone with which you are currently in a relationship. It could be someone that you haven’t gotten close to yet. Or it could be someone with which you currently want to have an exit interview.
Whoever that person is . . . . go to them. Telling someone that you love them and being rejected is truly painful. But not telling someone how you feel, and losing them while maybe they felt the same way, is far more painful. This is the free pass weekend anyway. So go do it!
I definitely know who is on my mind, and I know exactly the two words I would say to them. But I’m too much of an “I’M ALLWAYS RIGHT” type of a person so I won’t do shit. DON’T BE ME!!!
I hope that you all get roses, chocolates, wine, candles, kisses, back massages, and all the romance (or sex) that you desire this weekend. Be with the one that loves you, make up with the one with which your arguing, go to that one person that you secretly desire. Throw caution to the wind and do what is best for you.
As for me, I’m going a different route this year. I’ve screwed up too many relationships to have a Valentine. I prefer people that know what they want, and take it when it’s in front of them. I like people that don’t play games and have the guts to be honest. So I will visit someone that has made it clear they don’t want a friendship or a relationship. They know specifically what they want. That makes my life easy, and I could use a weekend of EASY!
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY LADIES. I do love all of you! Just don’t think about me when your legs are in the air and you’re clutching the headboard this weekend.
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