Today we will finally get to the unfair advantage that women have just because they have breasts.
Before we begin, I personally have no problems with women’s breasts. I actually am very fond of women’s breasts. I literally could make an entire evening worthwhile while just focusing on the breasts. And to me, size is not important. Large breasts have a few advantages, medium breasts have different advantages, and even small breasts have their own advantages.
Yes, most of the females that I have seen more than once have had larger breasts. So on the surface it may seem that I am a fan of large breasts. But I genuinely don’t care so much about the size. Actually, the women who love attention being paid to their breasts are more interesting to me. And some women really don’t want you messing with the breasts.
Sorry, I had to go take a quick cold shower.
Back on topic, women have an unfair advantage having breasts. Women can pretty much get more with their breasts than they might be able to by simply using their personality or brains.
Again, I must take a sidebar. Even though today’s topic is breasts I personally am more attracted to personality. I can honestly say that if a swimsuit model in a low cut top, which is as dumb as a door nail, was sitting on one side of the bar; and a more homely lady in a turtleneck but with a very outgoing personality was on the other side of the bar; I would drift to the personality lady. Sure, it’s hard to believe but for me it’s true.
Women can use their breasts and it is acceptable. The can wear a low cut top to get what they want, or a tight top, or even something sheer. It gets a guys attention and makes many guys go “googly” to the point that they would do stuff they wouldn’t normally do.
Why is it that if a man tried the same approach it would be weird? Suppose a guy wore tighter jeans and kept moving his crotch to your face, or wore some designer “low cut in front jeans”, or (gag) wore sheer slacks? Would any of you be excited?
I think not. More than likely everyone would giggle and be disgusted. Now perhaps inside you would be wondering about his junk, but outwardly you would giggle.
Females can display their breasts regardless of size. There are ways to make them attractive. But I venture to say that if two guys wore tight jeans and one was “blessed” and the other wasn’t; well if you were drawn to one it wouldn’t be the tiny guy.
And women can show cleavage. It’s acceptable. Should guys show the lower waist / upper groin?
Who knows? Maybe I just started a new designer trend.
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