Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Journal 162

In case you’re paying attention to sport news, The University of Miami is now in trouble for having booster supply cash, boats, cars, prostitutes and even arranging for abortions for women seduced by athletes. Apparently this has been going on for over 10 years.


I have told you that this has been going on since the beginning of time. College football generates HUGE revenues. Those schools that get the top athletes get the most fans, and therefore generate the most money. And again, IT’S A LOT OF FREAKIN’ MONEY. So the schools do what they have to do to “seduce” the athletes to choose their school.

I know we discussed college athletics before, and my views on how the college athlete should be handled. But since this is a topic in the news again I will share with you all the perks I got when I had my football scholarship.

But before we discuss this, let me briefly share how a High School athlete was handled in my day. Basically we were gods and had carte blanche to do whatever we wanted. We had practice every morning of the school year, so I had to be present at . I had some form of football or track practice after school, so I had to be present at the end of the day. My lunch period, which was two hours since they included a “study hall” led by the coaches, was really an excuse to get away from the regular population so the Home Economics class could prepare us food. Yup, we were fed what we wanted every day . . . . . FOR FREE.

Other than these times of the day, no one cared where I was. I took six classes each year. Three of these classes were athletics or a basic class for athletes taught by a coach. So I was guaranteed three A grades each year. The coached would talk to my other teachers and I was guaranteed a C grade in each of the other classes, even if I never showed up. For the record, most of the regular teachers preferred I was not in class. So I didn’t show up. If I did I took a seat in the back and took my nap.

So, I graduated with a really good GPA yet never took a test.

In order to be accepted into a college, you had to take the SAT and ACT tests. This was a problem for me . . . . or so I thought. I was told just to show up, fill out the form, turn it into a specific person and then I could leave. I made the minimum requirements on each test just by showing up for the test.

Amazing, huh?

Before I arrived on my college campus I was “wooed” by two UNBELIEVABLY SEXY coeds. And yes, sex and booze was involved. I’m not sure if they were told to provide sex, or if I was just so darn charming that they threw it in as a bonus, but it helped me make my decision.

Once I was on campus I declared myself a Business Major, because it was the only degree plan that required only two semesters of science. I hated science. The athletic program then provided me with three tutors. These tutors were not there to educate me though, they were there to actually show up and take my classes and tests. SWEET!

I was given an envelope with about $1,000 in it too. That was to help with moving my “stuff” to college. Folks, I showed up with a duffle bag of clothes and a six-pack of beer. That was all I had to move. But I was able to throw a few killer parties with the remaining cash.

I was given a job at the stadium. My job was to turn on the sprinklers twice a day and then turn them off 30 minutes later. Now that sounds a bit difficult, but the sprinklers were automatic and on timers. But I was paid $100 a week for my job. And no, I was not expected to punch a time card.

I was assigned a booster too. I was told that after every game I was to visit with my booster and give him the “inside scoop” about the most recent game, or to discuss the next game if asked. After this meeting I was given another envelope of cash.

Oh, the good old days.

It’s too bad my leg gave out, I lost my scholarship, and I had to become a real student, take real classes, go get three REAL jobs, and make my way through it.

Damn the bad luck!

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