Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Journal #360 - Decision

OK, I made a decision regarding being a quitter.
[I now, I’m usually quicker than this; reference my patience paragraph from yesterday]
The person I mentioned has two friends that took it upon themselves to find me. One wants me to give up, and even suggested the two of us get together. The other wants me to keep trying. So I told both of them to talk to their friend. If THEIR friend wants my assistance, then they can ask me for it.
And I blocked the friend’s emails and phone numbers. I don’t need to hear it anymore.
My Vision Quests guide me to continue. So if they are true, then the spirits need to talk to the person they are worried about. Do to them what you did to me basically. Again, if this person wants assistance then they can contact me and ask.
And I’m not taking another Vision Quest for 6 months. I can fend for myself that long.
As for Doc, well he can blackmail me if he wants. Someone once said that the best way to get me to do something is to tell me that I can’t do it. Conversely, if you tell me I HAVE to do something then I tend to NOT do it just to piss someone off.
So . . . . .
I figure all my focus and attention need to be on my bar in Costa Rica and Mustang. Both of those, if corrected, will pay off HUGE dividends; where helping this one particular person will probably bring me more strife and confusion.
As usual, I will expand my thoughts further.
I find it a shame that I’m in this position. When I have a friend I am the most giving and loyal person in the world. I will run to their side any time of the day or night if needed. If they need anything of mine it is theirs immediately. And if anything ever happens to them I will scour the globe to extract revenge.
I did ALL of that for this person in the past. They have NEVER done one thing out of their way for me.
Usually I just sort of vanish into the mist when I find a false friend. But for the first (and probably only time) I tried to stick it out to the point of humbling myself. I have never had so many factors pushing me to be around someone. But even all the factors in the world can’t overcome resentment, avoidance, disappointment, rudeness and lies.
So I don’t feel bad at all . . . . . . THEY SHOULD!
Ok, we are through with this. I was drunker than a skunk last night (ever seen a drunk skunk?) and yet I plan on doing something similar tonight. I’m thinking a fire in the fireplace, a bottle of merlot, a bag of tortilla chips and a great movie . . . . I’m thinking “Friday Night Lights”.
Anyone in????? I’ve got extra blanket space.

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