I used to lie my ass off. And damn, I was really good at it. I lied to get things for me. I lied to get things from others. I lied to get chicks to drop their panties. And sometimes I lied just because I knew I could get away with it.
I was a freakin’ liar. Yet back then everyone thought I was the most honest and trusted man in the world.
Then one day someone lied to me, and it bugged the shit out of me. So right then and there I chose to be honest. I became one of those guys you hate because if you ask me if “this dress makes you look fat” I will tell you what I think. But for the most part people appreciate that I am 100% honest.
Yet since I became honest I have been accused of lying more times than I can remember.
So this is a chat I thought everyone already understood; but I am now obligated to state it in public.
This is a journal of my life and a series of illogical stories. When it comes to entertaining you, then there may be some “fluffing”. But when it comes to me, I tell the truth. I don’t force anyone to read my journal. I ask people to try it. If you find it entertaining then read again. If you don't, then you can tell me why and we can have an adult conversation; or you can read something else.
But this journal is for me to vent, to dump shit off of my shoulders, and to just write. I love to write. You are welcome to challenge anything I write. I welcome all your comments and questions.
But don’t threaten me, it’s not very becoming. And it seriously pisses me off.
So, if you enjoy reading then please continue. If it makes you feel better about yourself or your life to call me a liar then feel free, but then you probably should stop reading too. And if you don’t enjoy my journal go read the newspaper or something, I’m sure there are no lies there.
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