So I run a lot because I need the silence.
If any of you are runners, you know that at some point in the run you reach a time when your body starts to fatigue. That happens to me too. My legs get heavy and sore, my back tightens, and my breaths become shorter. I call it the wall. Unfortunately, when I hit the wall my brain wakes up. It always sides with my tired body that wants to stop running. My brain starts coming up with very logical reason to quit.
Just stop, no one will know.
You did walk a lot today, so you already hit your goal.
You have a hole in your sock so you are probably getting a blister.
You dick is slipping out of your jock and it could get a friction burn.
[That one usually works, don’t want to screw up my dick. When it goes I am committing suicide]
My mind throws out so many good excuses to quit that it would over power my will to push on. It’s not like I would give in though. I would be running, the excuses would be flying at me; and then I would wake up and realize that I had stopped. So I had to find a solution.
That’s when I came up with my WALL BREAKERS.
What I would do is think of someone. It could be a sports star I admire, someone that motivated me, a character, or even someone I know and admired. I would pick a person before every run. Then when I reach the wall I would utter two words . . . . . FOR ????????.
I would imagine that person and make myself believe that if I stopped I would let them down. I would run for them. I may have my limits for what I can do to myself, but there is nothing I won’t do for someone I care about. I did learn that when I picked someone I didn’t know, the failure rate went up. But when I picked someone I knew, someone I had talked to, and someone I care about; I would get this burst of energy. I would feel my legs moving, and the pain would go away. The next thing I knew, I was fine and running strong again. I had not let my Wall Breaker down.
About a year ago I took this a step farther. The last 200 yards of my run I do my kick. Once I found the powerful effect of my Wall Breaker I started using the Wall Breaker for another reason. I would imagine my Wall Breaker is at the finish line waiting for me. Only they are in some sort of danger.
You know me, when someone is in danger I fly to them. So I imagine them in trouble and calling for me. Something happens to me and I feel myself pushing. It’s the only time of the run I don’t care about making it to the finish line. My Wall Breaker is there and in trouble, so I know I will make it to them. But I find myself reaching my limit with every step. I can push myself harder than I could imagine.
Enter my old friend Shakira.
She was my first Wall Breaker many years ago. Just the thought of her being in trouble would make me fly. And now she is back. For that I am thankful. Recently I had a special Wall Breaker that NEVER let me down. But on Monday’s run she didn’t work. I just stopped running. (Long story for another day) So I thought of Shakira and “BAM” I was flying again!
I share this odd and illogical story because each of you has been my Wall Breaker at least once. And I promise you that no matter the obstacles, if you are ever in trouble . . . . I WILL MAKE IT TO YOU . . . .Trust me!
When you really matter to someone, that person allways will make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises!
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