First, a very special shout out to my two best friends . . . .
Banana Rama & Martel – I sometimes think you two are working together because this week you both gave me the same speech. I LOVE YOU TWO! I know it’s hard to tell me difficult things sometimes because I am so driven and obstinate. But please keep telling me your thoughts. I do listen, trust me. I’ve never had anyone that had my back like you two, except possibly HMPOA. So if I am making a mistake, hit me in the face with it. I trust you. And THANK YOU.
I have a lot to say about “Obama-care” and the Supreme Courts second screwing . . . I mean ruling. But that will have to wait until I am better informed and less agitated. But I will give you an official Illogical Rambling quote.
"If you LOVE this country then you need to stand up and be heard very soon, because a gangster is stealing your country right out from under your nose!!!"
Ok, I’ve been quiet lately. Mostly because I am taking a vacation next week and I have to complete two weeks of work this week. Urgh! But you know me, I always leave my plate clean. So I have one more day of complete dedication and then I am drunk for a week.
[Kidding . . . sort of]
But I’ve also been thinking a lot. You see for me it’s easy to see who is telling the truth, and usually I can spot a scam a mile away. But I think I’m learning about my Achilles heel, I go blind sometimes when I fall for someone. But my friends are turning on the lights for me.
What are my vacation plans you ask?
It will be a typical poor man’s vacation. I’ll do yard work, probably put new siding on the garage, and hopefully get away for a couple of days where no one can find me. I’m thinking about a camping trip, but as Banana Rama pointed out, it will be hot. So maybe I’ll be in a cold hotel room watching porn and drinking whiskey for two days straight.
Ok, one quick story. When I was training their goal was to destroy us physically and mentally, then rebuild us as a machine. During the process my trainer told me something that I have since lost track. He said, “You will reach a point where you will be in a life or death situation and you won’t know who to trust. Trust the one that volunteers the worst news.”
It sounds weird but I guess his logic is that you can trust the person that is willing to tell you the “shit sandwich” sort of news. If they were going to con you, they would tell you good news. I need to remember that now, and trust it.
Finally, my government shrink no longer works for the government. I guess he decided to go it alone and make real money. He still checks in with me though. He was the one that convinced me to tell you all about my 10 days of hell. He said it would make the nightmares go away. It didn’t work, but it does feel good to know that someone knows my story when I am dead.
Now he is trying to convince me to tell the story about what happened when I was a wee lad of 12. That one is going to be a tough nut to crack, but I am thinking about it.
Maybe . . . . someday.
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