Today the US Supreme Court delivered a ruling on the suit against Arizona by the US government. Before I give you my idiotic thoughts let me share some background.
The Federal Government of the United States of America has the only authority to relocate illegal aliens. There are Federal laws in place regarding illegal entry into this country. These laws included the penalties associate with violation of these laws. Yet recently by Executive decision the US government declared that they will not enforce these laws. By making this declaration it means that if a resident of another country can make it to the sweet USA, they are home free as no one will prosecute them or relocate them.
Arizona residents by a 70% approval demanded that the state government do something to stop the invasion. Many people are being killed and robbed and the population cannot defend themselves against Cartel hitmen. So the legislature in Arizona concluded that if the laws are on the federal books, and the federal government is refusing to do anything, then Arizona would. So Arizona copied the federal laws, voted on them, and made a legal document for the state of Arizona.
The federal government sued. Arizona’s position was that if the laws are valid on a federal level then copying the same laws and making them state regulations would allow the state to do what the federal government refused to do.
The US Supreme shot down most of the state law claiming that a state cannot create laws that already exist on the federal level.
To quickly recap; the laws exist to protect the citizens of Arizona and the rest of the US. The president declared that the federal government would not seek out, prosecute or deport illegal aliens. Arizona citizens demanded protection so Arizona tried to do what the federal government would not do. Now Arizona is told that they cannot do it themselves . . . . legally.
But wait! Arizona did get one victory. In Arizona, if someone breaks a law and is detained legally, and if the arresting officer has reasonable doubt of the person citizenship . . . . HE CAN ASK. Wow, thank you Supreme Court. Now here is the big kicker. The federal government has the data on citizenship. SO when the officer in Arizona want to determine citizenship, they have to call . . . . . Yup, you guessed it . . . the federal government.
So what did our president do next you ask? He ordered the federal immigration offices to cease all arrangement of information sharing with the state of Arizona.
One step forward, two steps back?
Has anyone read our Constitution? It specifically states that the individual states can create laws to protect themselves from outside individuals and our own government.
People, this president is trying to set himself up as our dictator. So get up and do something. Vote the idiot out of office before he steals our entire country!!
Oh, if you noticed ther is no Journal # 227. I wrote that one early Sunday morning while drunk and buzzing. It was rude and vicious. And I do have a rule that I don't publish anything when I am not 100%. So I deleted it.
But hey, Martel read it. She's got my back too.
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