Friday, October 19, 2012

My Journal #328 - Susan

I had someone ask me who Susan is. I briefly mentioned her earlier this week, but here’s the whole scoop.
I used to go to S M about every other weekend. Goal #1 was to see Sunshine, but it never happened (Nope, not once in two years). Goal #2 was to hang out with my 3 sexy coed friends. We would go to games, or dancing, or just sit down and get drunk somewhere. But dancing was my favorite, and one of them could really dance well.
But a few times either I outlasted them or they had other plans. So I would hit this little bar near the outskirts of town. Susan was a bartender / waitress there. She was a big and well endowed girl; she was flirtatious, cute, and very funny as well. The first couple of times I stopped there it was business, with brief moments of chatting.
Then one night a guy walked into the bar. As I glanced around I saw it was the guy that “someone” was living with, and he wasn’t with her. I figured it was none of my business and went back to my drink. That was when Susan came around and asked if I knew him because I looked at him for a while. I explained I knew who he was, but didn’t know him.
She proceeded to tell me what a jerk he was, and how he tries to pick her up every time he comes in. Once she acted like she would go with him and he told her to come by around 9 the next morning when his blanket-blank roommate would be gone.
[Even for me that was tacky and the blanket-blank word was awful]
Anyway, we sort of hooked up later that night. And then we did the same whenever we saw each other. She had many guys asking her out, but we enjoyed just having “alone” time together.
When I stopped going to S M as much, we sort of fell out of touch. Then a few weeks ago she sent me a text that she lives here now.
We hadn’t gotten together because I was seeing Mustang. But since that ended, we talked more. She had joined Twitter and asked if I wanted to follow her. I had no idea what that meant, but she said we could get together and she could show me. And she said she had some Twitter stuff that she thought I would find interesting. I doubted anything about it would interest me, but I figured whatever.
After my clothing swap last night we were to meet. Sunshine blew that up though. I was so angry that I tried to bail on Suzy. But we did finally get together around 8. I told her I was in a bad mood, so we went to the park and just sat and drank and talked.
She calmed me down.
And that is Suzy!
It's about 5 pm on a Friday right now. I had a rough night last night so I am going to go do what I do best . . . . get drunk! And Martel, I will NOT pick a fight. I'm not mad anymore. But I will use every bit of my Cowboy Charm to woo a big boobed blonde cowgirl into making a whole lot of wild "whoopie"! I have my black ropers, my black jeans, and my white button down. No stetson tonight though.
Luv ya all!

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