Friday, October 26, 2012

My Journal #341 - It got Cold!!!!

Damn! It got cold. Oh well Happy Friday anyway.

Martel – Heard from your Cowboy?

Banana Rama – Congrats on the new gig.

HMPOA – Get well soon.

Sasha Lucille – Hehehehehe!

Sunshine – If you don’t miss me yet, you will!

So, tonight is the big first date. Well not exactly . . .

Cowgirl mentioned that she was going to a Sports Bar to watch the Baseball Playoffs. She even told me which bar, so I took that as a hint. So we met a night early.

She was as pretty as her pictures.

And we hit it off. We talked and laughed . . . . and kissed. Yup, I still got it. And no, I didn’t try for the “Big Kahuna”. I tend to respect those women that don’t put out on a first date. And I assume she would have said no, but I didn’t want to take a chance.

Ok, so she was there with a girlfriend. During the 7th inning I noticed that the friend was gone, so I inquired. The friend was her current roommate, and she took Cowgirl’s car home. That was when Cowgirl asked me to take her home after the game.


And get this, she lives about a half mile from me. Well, she lives there until Saturday. She just got her own place and she wants to move this weekend. But we’ve made some plans for the weekend so she may wait and move another weekend.

But the best part of the entire night was . . . .


Yes, she is a lot like Sunshine. But she is her own person.

As of now, we are still having drinks when she gets off of work. But now she has asked if I will go to the concert she is going to attend. In any case, after the concert she is coming by to sit by the pool, drink some whiskey, and listen to music. I even agreed to play C&W for her.

Saturday night we’re going dancing. And Sunday I sort of agreed to go to her place and watch . . . . the Cowboys.

[Hey, my Texans are off this week so why not?]

Wish me luck!

Nope don’t worry about that . . . . cuz I’ve still got it!!!

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