Monday, May 28, 2012

My Journal #204 - That Biaatch!

It’s been a really long weekend. So before I begin let me note that I typically don’t drink like a fish. I do drink, but on a weekend I don’t usually get wasted. But this weekend began on Thursday night and didn’t end until about noon on Monday. The rest of the time I was at my pool, with friends, and drinking heavily. I share this so you will understand the humor in this story.

I keep my phone near me most of the time. But when I’m near the pool I keep it several feet away and under a porch. My typical pattern is to check my phone about every two hours or so. Other than that I ignore it.

This past weekend I sort of was hoping to hear from someone. I had no reason to expect to hear from them. But it was a difficult and frustrating weekend. And in the past whenever I have hard times this one person sort of just appears. So since I was having a hard time, I waited for them to reach out.

Again, I had no reason to expect it, I guess I was just hoping . . . or something.

Well, I was doing my usual, only drinking more as I mentioned. The first ten or so times I checked my phone I had no message. I did hear from my other friends, but this one person was the one I needed to hear from. So I kept checking.

I think it was early Saturday when I first began to get frustrated. There was still no message, and even though I had no reason to be upset I was still becoming upset. And that was when I first uttered that phrase . . THAT BIAATCH!

The first few times it was more of a mumble. But as the evening continued I sort of got louder. By Sunday I guess my ranting had become more obvious that I knew. It was dusk on Sunday and my frustration was sort of beyond control. I’m sure the three days of sun and booze added to it, not to mention all the problems I had rolling around in my head.

And then it happened, I checked my phone and still had no message. I shouted out, “THAT BIAATCH!” Apparently one of my friends was too close and actually busted out laughing. As I looked around I saw that everyone was snickering and laughing.

[Can you say embarrassed?]

That was the moment I realized three things.

1. My friend wasn’t interested in communicating.
2. I should never have expected that they would want to communicate.
3. I was acting like a fool.

I woke up the next morning in bed with someone from the party. The weekend apparently got better!

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