Friday, December 10, 2010

Survey Time!!

1. Which one of these questions is more inappropriate to ask a woman you're dating: "How much do you weigh?" or "How much money do you make?"

2. In a crowded room, how would YOU give someone a sign that you're interested in them?

3. Have you ever been "whipped"? And no, I don't mean beaten...I mean like Baby Face :-)

4. How do YOU know when you're in love with someone?

5. Is your relationship "movie" an: action flick, a chick flick/romantic comedy, a tear-jerker, a suspense thriller, a horror film or a true romance?

6. If you could give your last sexual partner a rating from 1-10, what would it be?

7. In your opinion, does single only mean "not married" or "not in a committed relationship"? At what point in a relationship are you "not single" anymore?

8. Would you rather be considered sexy or beautiful/handsome? You can only choose one.

9. Would you, or have you ever sent a lover a naked pic via text or email? (tell the truth)

10. Is there a certain "name" that you think is sexy?

1 comment:

  1. The following are Bananarama's thoughts:

    1. Both are walk away questions. A guy would have to be a complete fool to ask either. But the weight question is quite simply, grounds for a southern slap.
    2. I love to try and make someone laugh. So I'd smile and say something clever.
    3. What! No comment
    4. You just know I suppose. Maybe when they're all you think about.
    5. Romantic comedy for sure - which of course usually means its a chick flick
    6. Next question please
    7.When both parties agree to only date each other
    8.Beautiful. The Mona Lisa is considered beautiful and she is treat like precious gold. Guy's wait in line for hours just to catch a peek.
    9. Hell to the no. It's not ladylike and it definitely wont help when my future husband is running for public office.
    10. Actions are sexy, not so much words. Anybody can say word.
