Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Journal 096

How was my “special” day yesterday you ask? It was marvelous and amazing.

Someone called me a hero. (Thanks Banana-rama)

[Footnote – I may have even received a few lines form a “smokin’ hot story” . . shhh]

Someone said I was THEIR hero. (Thanks Sunshine)

Someone shared their lunch with me and bought me a drink (or two or three) after work. (Thanks LL)

[Footnote - Although I was allowed to share my lunch plans, I have been warned not to discuss the actual date(s).]

Someone called me to say thank you. (Thanks Kat)

Someone EVEN sent me an E-card (Thanks Lovelygirl)

Thanks to all of you for making me your priority for one day yesterday. I can now survive one more year. Just keep this date on your calendar. You know me; I probably won’t remind you again. I’ll just wait to see who remembers . . . and chastise those that don’t remember.

Hey, it’s just one day a year so write it down!

Obviously it’s childish to ask for a special day just for one person. But I can’t tell you how much I wish I could get some credit for my past. I mean, I do get it from you, but to be recognized otherwise would be nice also. Of course as upset as people get when they hear the word war or death, I’d probably be picketed or something. But I do seriously appreciate everyone that participated and contacted me to say thanks. You are my friends.

Ok, back to reality.

Last weekend I got some redemption. Yes, I mean redemption and not revenge. As most of you already know, A while back I was accused of having an affair with one of my friends. (FYI, I don’t and didn’t do that). But of course someone spread the word about how awful I was. I saw no reason to argue. If you knew me then you would know it was BS. If you didn’t know me then I didn’t give a crap what you thought.

I went by my house Friday night to grab some stuff for a card game with the boys. As I opened my car door I heard yelling coming from inside the house. There was a loud argument in progress. I was tired, anxious to get to my cards, and I had to pee. But being the “good guy” that I am I entered with the mindset that I would be the peace maker.

I did finally calm everyone down, but missed my card game in the process. But here comes the redemption part. The person that had accused me of the affair was accusing other people of bad things in her anger. I had three people come up to me that night and apologize for ever believing the rumors. I guess now that it was happening to them they understand the position I was in before.

Like I always say, the truth will eventually rise to the surface.

So, if any of you are considering asking me to marry you someday (STOP LAUGHING!) you can rest assured that I will be faithful. Just read my Journal #90 and you will know exactly what you can expect. But do understand that lots and lots and lots of SEX will be necessary!!!!


I luv ya’ll, and thanks again for yesterday.

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