Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Journal 156

June 03. Yup, that was the last time you heard from this bum. Well, I threw up an old story and then wrote a poem to someone. But other than that . . . . did ya miss me?

Look, I took the big leap. Yup, I fell for a girl. So on June 01 I decided to bust my ass for 2 months to try to win her heart. I would do anything and everything I could to try to have something special with her. The two months ended Sunday.

Actually, I sort of considered two months of everything I had to be a “soft” target. What I mean is if I saw any signs of life, or even as much as a single action of interest, then I would have continued trying. But it was quite the opposite.

The funny part is that when she tried to hurt me a few weeks ago I told her that she couldn’t. And what she told me didn’t hurt. But she was persistent and eventually found a “kink in the armor” and drove a spike into it. She finally found a way to get to me. Shit, I was laid on a table once, had my back cut open with a knife, my spine severed with a hack saw, and a device placed right on the nerves in my back to inflict pain.

I’d rather do that again, thank you.

Oh well, I knew I wouldn’t die undefeated. I knew someday I would fail at something. Why not fail at this, right?

Anyway, I quit writing here as part of my SUPER SECRET MASTER PLAN. I figured if she could read about my world here then she had no reason to ever ask. And that was one of my goals in trying to seduce her. Get her to ask me one thing about my life. You see by asking it means you’re interested.

My Master Plan flopped. Duh?

But the good news is I found out how much I could count on the other people in my life. So . . . .

Lovelygirl, maybe you were right all along. I’ll always want to believe I was right, but I will give you a big maybe.

Niki-Cole, thanks for being so sweet.

Banana-rama, no matter when I called on you, you were there. I guess what you told me was right too. I’ll always be there for you.

Martel, my new friend. Shit, we talked ALL night many nights. Maybe not so much about me or you, but you made me think about other things. Well done! You proved to me that if someone cares they will respond, and if they don’t respond then they don’t really care.

Ok, enough with the mushy shit!

This Thursday night I am going out and getting a bit wild again. I even took Friday off so that I wouldn’t have to worry about showing up for work at 4 am. I may take one of my whirlwind road trips this weekend too. And then Monday . . . .


Yup, I will be at the Monday night game cheering for my beloved team, drinking like a fish, arguing the calls, and raising hell as much as I can. Whoop!

So be cool, hang tough, and thanks for waiting for me. I missed you guys!

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