Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Journal 186

My vacation was fine. I had no injuries and got into zero trouble. I accomplished a lot of little tasks that needed to get done. You know, those quick boring tasks that you need to be super motivated to do. Anyway, all is well.

Enough said!

I did apparently send out a “drunken journal”. I have no idea what possessed me to do that, but I did. So we will count that one as Number 183, hence this will be number 184.

But the point of the journal is true. So here is the sober truth.

I have an opportunity to take more of my “trips”. Being the organized jerk that I am I made a list of positives and negatives.

·          Money is good, real good.
·          Paid in cash. (I even get a $5K signing bonus)
·          Opportunities to “borrow” more valuable stuff during the trip.
·          Excitement.

·          Could be dangerous.
·          Would have to go back to negotiating vacations and these trips.
·          If something ever happened to me, no one (including you) would know.
·          Immoral in my opinion.

The final negative is the kicker I believe. I think I can still do that job while remaining safe. But somewhere along the way; either from evaluating (or doubting) my past, maturity, or simply that I know none of my friends would do something like this or want me to (I think), I am questioning whether to do this or not.

[See, you guys influence me in a good way]

OK, short journal today. I am still catching up on missed work. I do hope you enjoyed the song I attached in my last journal. It truly moved me.

Luv Ya all!

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