Monday, November 26, 2012

My Journal #366 - Back in the Saddle

I know . . . . . .  it’s been a while.
I went to my old stomping grounds for Thanksgiving. The first night my brother, his kids and I went to my buddy’s restaurant. I ran into an old flame while I was there. So after dinner my brother took me back to my folks, I got my car, and met up with her. We had a good time.
At the end of the night she said she always loved me, and still does. At first that sort of creeped me out. But she was the same girl I liked years ago, so it began to make me feel good.
It started a train of thought. I meet women, and 99% like me right away. The one’s that I end up seeing fall for me 100%. Oops, that ratio probably dropped to 98% recently. And that particular ratio drop concerned me. But then I figured that no body’s perfect.
Well, I am (Hehehe) so it must be the one that didn’t find me incredible who’s not perfect.
The old flame took pictures that night. As you know I am averse to having my picture taken, but it just happened. And then she apparently posted them on her Facebook page. I got two more calls the next day from ladies I used to date who saw me on my friend’s page, looked up my old home number at my folk’s house, and called to see if we could get together.
I did choose one and we went to the River Parade. On a side note, if you have never been to that particular river parade you have truly missed an amazing spectacle. It truly would put Scrooge himself in the Christmas spirit.
Anyway, the lingering thought that I had lost something recently faded quickly. People that know me were lignin up to spend time with me. So I learned that just because one person doesn’t see it doesn’t mean I’ve lost anything.
I still want that walk on the beach with my one true love, so I will continue to search. But being in the life I used to have for a few days reminded me of what I do best. I charm people. So when I got back home Saturday I went back to that dating site to try again.
Mustang is gone. I gave her one last chance before I left for the Holiday and she passed. The Fox lady is still around, but fate keeps throwing up obstacles to keep us apart. So I sent out three messages to the three most interesting ladies on that site. And this time I was looking for something different.
All three replied to me.
One is a 42 year old blonde and well endowed substance abuse counselor. (A)
One is a 38 year old blonde receptionist that used to be a model and cheerleader. (B)
One is a 46 year old African American Manager for a petroleum company. (C)
So I’m chatting with A and she mentions that she likes to read romance novels. I mention that I dabble in writing and she asks for one of my stories. So I sent her one. The entire conversation changed immediately. She becomes a very sexual and seductive woman.
So I decide that while I’m looking for the perfect woman, I could have a different and unique relationship with her. I had asked to meet her for a drink, but after hours of x-rated talk she decided she just wants me to come to her place. So I drive to her place in the Woodlands and text her when I get to the address to make sure I’m at the right place. She confirms, tells me the door is unlocked and to come on in.
I do. She walks out from another room wearing a red mesh nightee and black heels. And she has a set of 42D’s. I’ve never seen boobs so big; I mean she looked like she would tip over while walking to me in those heels. She wasted no time with small talk either.
What an amazing night! We agreed that we both crave the same type of a relationship, so she is my new FB.
I get back to the house Sunday morning. Girl B has been writing to me. So I reply, and she is up still. We share numbers and end up talking and texting all night. She is absolutely gorgeous, grounded, and bright. So we will have lunch Wednesday to meet. I will ask her out again for next weekend.
I haven’t met her yet, but she is one that I would want to date to see if she could be the one. I mean blonde, a model, and ex-cheerleader . . . . ummm!
The last night I hear from girl C. She asks for my email address. Moments later I have 7 topless / nude pictures of her. As of today I haven’t replied to her. I am a bit risqué, but by sending naked pics to a stranger sort of makes me thinks she is mentally imbalanced. Anyway, I already have A as my FWB.
So that was my weekend. Now back to the Salt Mines, right?
No more lingering thoughts, I'm back in the saddle again.

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