Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Journal #210 - The Dating Dilemma

I’ve discussed many times before the financial inequities between being a male and being a female. I won’t go into all the details I previously discussed, but suffice it to say it’s expensive being a guy that dates.

And now I have a personal dilemma to share with you as an example.

I haven’t had an official vacation in five years. By official vacation I mean a vacation where you go to some interesting or exotic place and get away from everything in your real life. So I am saving up for a cruise. I’ve been on about 15 cruises before and my preference is a 7 day or a 10 day cruise. But because I have so much to pay for today, my savings opportunities are limited. So I am considering a 4 day cruise.

And of course I want to take a date.

Based on my budget, I can afford one by September . . . IF I don’t spend crazy money on dating prior to this time. Normally when I go on a date I have planned financially for the events I have offered for the date, and I have set aside additional cash in case the date goes a different direction. Guys have to do this because girls get really upset when they decide they want to do something on a date and you tell them you can’t afford it.

But even though I have money, I do have only so much money.

And it is difficult to try to impress a girl while you’re taking them to a reasonable restaurant or a simple bar or even a movie. Most of the girls I’ve dated want to go to high class and trendy clubs, or high end restaurants.

So my budget shows me that I can go out every other weekend as long as I spend less than $100 per date. For the record, the last 5 dates I’ve had have averaged over $200, so I am looking to have to cut back. I assume that if I am hoping to take a nice lady on my cruise vacation, I will have to date her enough that we are comfortable together. And no, I will not be booking two rooms on the cruise.

So you tell me, how do I pull this off?

If I cut back on the number of dates and the cash spent per date, then I reduce the chances that I will be associated with someone that could feel comfortable taking a cruise with me. If I don’t make those changes, then I will probably find someone; but I won’t have saved up the cash for the vacation.


This weekend is my first challenge. There is a lady I like, who is also someone I think I would enjoy vacationing with in the future. She has expensive taste, and she is attractive enough to have options. I have an opportunity to go to a very interesting movie theater production this weekend and I would like to take her. But the tickets will be $150 and the drinks will probably tap me for another $75. So that date would be upwards of $250, and would ruin my budget.

Another option I am pondering is to invite her to my place for a day at the pool, with a nice romantic dinner, and then an evening of champagne in the hot tub. This date, since I am doing the work of cooking, cleaning, etc, will put me out about $75. That would fit into my budget. And even thought this type of a date, regardless of money, is more to my liking; I’m just not sure it’s something that she would like as much as actually going out somewhere.
And one date allows me to be with someone I like while allowing me to stay on track for possibly taking a vacation with this woman in September.

So, speaking to all the females out there, this is the challenges guys face every weekend. Not all of us are millionaires, but we are good, solid, and stable guys. And each weekend we have to try to balance our money, romance, fun and sex in a similar fashion.

All you have to do is put on a dress and you can usually get everything you want for free!

I am asking for advice. Feel free to chime in on what course I should follow this weekend. But try to do it quickly.

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