Monday, May 2, 2011

My Journal 130

Yes, I have been asked if I know any “insight” into the death of Bin Laden.

No, I know nothing more than the reports we all see on TV and hear on the radio.

Sorry folks, I haven’t been around that in 30 years. I’m just a normal guy now. And I have never been to Pakistan. So celebrate our country and our military . . . but do so with your head on a swivel and your eyes wide open. I do know how his followers think and they are dangerous. If you’re too scared, you can come sleep with me?!? I promise to be a GENTLEMAN.


Ok, let’s move on.

So as I mentioned before, I was threatened recently. I have finally gotten past the ludicrous part of deciding to threaten me out of everyone else in the world; and now I should discuss this a bit.

Someone believed that I was “sniffing” around his fiancée. I can honestly say I wasn’t, even though the individual never would confirm his name, because I am not seeing anyone that is engaged, dating, or living with someone else. I do have morals.

Now if a lady I am seeing is truly engaged or otherwise “taken” then I don’t know about it. And furthermore, they would have had to lie to me because that is a question I always ask FIRST. But when you get past the fact that this instance is like the bunny threatening the wolf, why should I even be in the discussion?

If you are engaged (or whatever) and your mate is seeing someone else; isn’t that a problem for you two to resolve among yourself? If you mate denies it and you still believe it is true then YOU have a problem. Either work it out, forget it, or leave your mate. Seriously.

But there is no reason to involve anyone else. There is no legal reason for a single person to date a person that is already dating or engaged to someone else. So if this were true then I would have had no reason NOT to date someone. Again, I am different and do have morals so I don’t. But I am not legally obligated to refuse the advances of a taken woman.

And if someone has lied to me, and it turns out I am dating a “taken” woman, then I will walk away the moment I find out the truth. If someone will lie to me about that then they will lie about everything. And I don’t need that drama in my life.

So to the guy who called . . .

Talk to your fiancée and work this out. Maybe you will have a great life together. And one piece of advice, check out whom you are threatening before you decide to be bold. You actually got the break of a lifetime when I didn’t come after you.

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