Friday, September 14, 2012

My Journal #291 - I dip!

I’ve got a lot to share today, so let’s get right to it!
HMPOA – Kemah . . . . what a blast . . . . and it is so refreshing to ask someone out and they respect you enough to actually answer.
Banana Rama – Sorry I couldn’t think of anything good, but I’m still thinking.
Martel – Missed you this week.
Sasha Lucille – One more weekend at the pool . . . . maybe?!?!?
Sunshine – Do you even know what it means when I say I want to paint your toes?
I got an email from Lovelygirl and I even read it and replied. Apparently she still reads my Journals and has put two and two together and figured out the basics of what happened Sunday afternoon. I figured since she was guessing correctly, and asking questions I would go ahead and tell her what happened. So we exchanged emails and text messages, she gave me some more of her sage advice. So we are talking again.
Oh well . . . .
I guess I’m over being angry now anyway. I got pissed off again yesterday right when I came to that conclusion, and I figure that must just be the way it’s going to be. So I’m not mad anymore . . . disappointed, but getting used to that too. I’ll just take what I can get and move away when I can’t. So . . . . ok . . . . I’m good now, or as good as I’m going to get.
A health report – My ribs are healing nicely; my necks is back to normal; my knee is still crap, but it’s back to being the old crap and not the new seriously messed up crap; my tooth is still broken but I’m gluing it together every few days; and I ran a 10K after work yesterday. (Take that Tiffany :))
Nope, I’m not going to discuss my mental health.
I dip. I was raised in THE REAL country on a chicken ranch, while working cattle and horses for my cousins. I used to be a Skoal man until it got more expensive than a mortgage payment. So now I use a cheap alternative. I was buying about three cans a week, and each can is about $5.
I’ve been dipping since I was 8 years old. My first dip was with my cousin Mike behind Aunt Ruby’s store, and we tried Garret & Son’s Snuff. We both got pretty dizzy, and he threw up. But I was cool. So I have been dipping since I was 8.
I quit over a month ago. Well technically I didn’t quit, but I cut back a bunch. I don’t dip at work anymore, I don’t dip in my car, and I don’t dip on dates anymore. I usually have a dip after my dinner and sometimes a second dip late in the evening. And that is it.
I bought a can the last week of July. It lasted me about three weeks (Remember I used to use three a week). I bought a can in August and just finished it this weekend. So it appears I will use three cans every two months.
Why did I quit?
I’m not worried about cancer. All the males in my family have dipped since birth and no one in the family has ever had any form of cancer. It was just that one day I spit out a used dip, and a matter of minutes later I realized I had already put another dip in my mouth. I didn’t remember doing that, so I thought I probably just was on cruise control and automatically took a dip. I didn’t like the thought of that.
So I chose to cut back. Then I realized how much money I could save. I figure I will save about $800 a year. Hey, there’s the money for that damn cruise I’ve been wanting to take.
The second reason I sort of quit was my hot friend Martel asked me to quit. At first I thought that it was none of her business. But then I was touched that she had the balls to tell me something she knew I wouldn’t like, and to ask me to do something that she knew I didn’t want to do. Cudos Martel!
Again, thank to all of you for your kind words and friendship. July and August were literally the worst two months of my life. But now it’s September and time to move on.
Think about me a dozen times this weekend!

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