Friday, September 21, 2012

My Journal #299 - Season for Sex?

It’s another Friday. I’ve got ANOTHER meeting today (gag), but as soon as it’s over I am going to begin planning my escape. I hope to be partying by 3 pm. Yippee!
And now for my Friday SHOUT OUTS!
Martel – Thanks for being a good friend, especially recently.
Banana Rama – So, you’re taking a trip with your beau? Do I hear wedding bells?
HMPOA – The sweetest words I heard this week was when you said, “I can!”
Sasha Lucille – I will miss you this weekend. :(
Sunshine – Tap, tap, tap . . . I’m waiting?! [Do you really think I believe you are TOO BUSY to even say hello?]
What do you consider to be the best season, or time of the year, for sex? Ok, for guys EVERY season (and for that matter every day) is just right for sex. But I have my preferences.
Winter would be my last choice. It’s too damn cold. But to make winter work I would suggest leaving a window cracked, lighting a fire in the fire place, and tossing a bear skin rug on the floor in front of the fire. Just remember to roll away from the fire when you change positions. I would also suggest a blanket for cover, and the missionary position would allow both parties to share body heat better.
Spring would be my next to last choice. I’m too active. It’s like I’ve been cooped up all winter and when spring arrives I just want to run. So to make the spring work I recommend driving down the highway in a convertible, with your babe’s head in your lap. Just don’t forget to steer. Or better yet, daring public sex.
Summer would be my second favorite. I love steamy, hot, passionate sex. My favorite spots to get some tail are pools and rivers, but an air conditioned hotel room on a HOT day is very refreshing. Yet I would say the best summer location for sex is in the water. Just forget the oral stuff when in the water, you could drown.
And that leaves the fall, my favorite time for sex. It’s cool, but not cold. It’s sunny, but not hot. I’ve just finished a busy summer and now I’m ready to spend quality time inside. I bet I could go for four hours right now. And the best part is everything is available, and no position is off limits due to temperature concerns.
Ummmm . . . . .
Finally, I heard a group of males discussing their favorite sex positions. It made me think that I really don’t have a favorite. I’m sort of in to ingenuity and spontaneity. And I tend to switch positions numerous times during an episode. And sometimes I get this thought and decide to try it right then.
So I guess I don’t have a true favorite. But if my partner does then that position will immediately become my favorite.
Have a great weekend!

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